First Pre-launch Concert

On September 29th 2014 a very successful first pre-launch concert of the Muscat Chamber Music Series was held at the residence of the British Ambassador in Muscat.

September 29, 2014
Residence of the British Ambassador in Muscat

The main goal of this concert, which was so generously supported by the Ambassadors of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, H.E. Jamie Bowden, and of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Hans-Christian Freiherr von Reibnitz, was to introduce the concept of this project, to convey its potential and values and to seek support. We are very happy to say that the event was attended by some of the most important personalities of the Omani culture and business community and that it created a very positive resonance amongst them.


The concert featured some of Muscat's finest classical music performers.



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