Amira Abouzahra

Amira Abouzahra was born in Germany on December 25th 2005, and descends from a family of musicians; her parents are both concert pianists. Amira has been playing the violin since she was 4 years old, and has developed her musical abilities remarkably under the guidance of Alexander Gavrilenko in Mannheim, Germany.  She has garnered big success for her appearances in Germany, amongst others at the “Concertino - Podium für junge Künstler”, in the series “Weinheimer Lebensläufe", as well as at the Autumn Festival. She furthermore performed as the “special talent” at the Summer Charity Event organized by the Deutsche Sparkasse bank, playing her classical programme, but also appeared alongside Tino Oac, the singer of the renowned German pop group “Söhne Mannheims”.

In February 2014 she made her debut at the Royal Opera House Muscat, Oman, where her performances were highly received from both the audience and the media alike. In the same week she gave with her sister Mariam five more concerts in various schools in Muscat. 

In May 2014 she then debuted in Mexico, accompanied by the State of Mexico Symphony Orchestra, performing Antonio Vivaldi’s Spring from the renowned “Four Seasons”. The highlight of this experience was her last concert in Texcoco, which was performed open air in front of 3000 people, and which was a great success.
On 3 October 2014, she played with great success in the context of 26 Bammental Orchestra Serenade Mozart D major Violin Concerto with the Philharmonic Kurpfalz Heidelberg conducted by Jürgen Weisser.
In April 2015, Amira performed with the world famous chamber Orchestra Kremerata Baltica, at the Muscat Chamber Music Series playing Vivaldi’s Spring.

The violin concertos "Summer" and "Autumn" by Vivaldi led to another performance in September 2015, with the Chamber Orchestra of Mannheim Abendakademie under the direction of Jürgen Weisser.

The young violinist with Hungarian-Egyptian roots is the 1st prize winner of the German nation-wide competition "Jugend Musiziert", and is a fellow of the prestigious Domhof Foundation, that promotes exceptional young talent. Several press reports have praised her extraordinary talent. The Egyptian television aired in November 2014 a half-hour report on Amira’s performances.  


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