Second Pre-launch Concert
Recital for Cello & Piano

This was the Series’ first public event, and its success was tremendous.

14th December 2014
Bait Al Zubair Museum Theatre

Under the patronage of H.E. Hans-Christian Freiherr von Reibnitz, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Sultanate of Oman, the support of Bait Al Zubair Museum and the media partnership of Shabiba and Al Roya, the Muscat Chamber Music Series had its second pre-launch concert on December 14th, 2014 at Bait Al Zubair Museum. The concert presented two highly respected young artists: the German/French cellist Nicolas Altstaedt and the German pianist Markus Becker, who performed famous works by Beethoven, Schumann and Britten on the stage of the Museum’s theatre.


As it is one of our goals to reach out to the local and diverse audience in Muscat, we were delighted to see the hall full of an enthusiastic crowd that represented this. Throughout the evening, the artists engaged in interesting descriptions of the performed works and created thereby an direct involvement of the audience.




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